Hey All! Well, surprise surprise! Its an unannounced double feature to your beloved Ladyboy Roundup courtesy of AsianTS! I unfortunately didn't have as much time to develop a post for today as I had hoped I would, so I dug into my exotic Ladyboy reserves to bring you a special encore presentation of a Ladyboy Roundup! I have a feeling you Ladyboy lovers out there won't mind … [Read more...] about Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 8: Part 2)
asian tranny
Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 8)
Hello all you Ladyboy lovers out there! Well, as I mentioned yesterday, I don't have much time for a detailed post. However, I can assure you, that I plan to make up these shorter posts to you in due time. You know how I've mentioned that the Tranny Seductions Blog would just keep expanding and adding new features and sites? Well, another new feature is currently in the … [Read more...] about Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 8)
Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 7)
Hey Everyone! Today marks the 7th volume of the official Tranny Seduction's Blog's Ladyboy Roundup courtesy of those fine Asian shemales over at AsianTS. If you've been following the Ladyboy Roundups, you'll know that I generally feature 4 exotic shemales per Roundup. Well, today is no different, in that I've got 4 hot photos for you all to enjoy. However, something *is* a … [Read more...] about Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 7)
Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 6)
Its time for another Tranny Seductions Bog Sexy Ladboy Roundup! I've been getting amazing feedback on these, so definitely keep checking back as I've still got a few more planned for you all, especially considering how much you all seem to love them! :-D I don't have a lot of time to talk today fellow Ladyboy lovers, however, that doesn't really matter a whole lot. Because I … [Read more...] about Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 6)
Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 5)
Phil here, back again with your 5th round of the AsianTS Ladyboy Roundup! If you're just joining us, you'll probably want to start here, so you can check out the very first Ladyboy Roundup and find out just exactly what is going on! For those of you who've been following these exotic Asian shemale galleries, I'm sure you're ready for your next tranny fix, I sure know I am! :-D … [Read more...] about Sexy Ladyboy Roundup! (Roundup 5)