Hey All!
Well, surprise surprise! Its an unannounced double feature to your beloved Ladyboy Roundup courtesy of AsianTS! I unfortunately didn’t have as much time to develop a post for today as I had hoped I would, so I dug into my exotic Ladyboy reserves to bring you a special encore presentation of a Ladyboy Roundup! I have a feeling you Ladyboy lovers out there won’t mind too much! 😉 Besides, we can never get enough of these fine ass Asian Shemales can we? Especially considering the tranny babes I’ve got lined up for you all today. You see, most of the trannies here, were actually planned for full-featured solo posts, so, its almost like you’re getting four posts in one! But don’t worry, since I love these ladies so much, I’m sure you’ll see their solo posts in the future! But for today, I present to you some hot pictures of these fine transexual Asian babes!
Ladyboy Natti:
Ladyboy Bee:
Ladyboy Nong:
Ladyboy Cream:
What did you think of today’s prime selection? I really do enjoy these Asian Shemales so much its almost impossible for me to decide who I like best!
Stay tuned to the Tranny Seductions blog, I’ve got a big surprise in store for you all. One of my promised “upgrades” is *very* close to being released and I have a feeling you’re all going to love it!